You may have the bathroom components for setting up a new bathroom. But all of these components, such as toilets, bathtubs, basins, etc., need waste drains for drainage. And you have to select drains separately for all of them. This article will teach you about different types of waste drains and which drain is suitable for which components.
What Is A Waste Drain?
A waste drain is a drain that is used to remove wastewater from our living spaces. In other words, it is a drain that connects the sanitary equipment to the main drain to allow water to flow from your bathroom to the main drain—for example, siphon traps, basin waste drains, and bathtub drains.

Waste Drains for Bathroom Components
The four key elements of your bathroom are the toilet, washbasin, bathtub, and shower. These are the things for which you need to select the drains. So, here’s how to choose the suitable waste drains for each of these components of your bathroom:
As we all know, the toilet commode is the dirtiest element of our bathrooms as it passes our excrement. Also, it spreads bad odors, which you don’t want. For this reason, a Siphon P-Trap will be the correct drain for your toilet commode. Here is why:
Siphon P-Trap
A siphon p-trap is a bend waste drain pipe. It comes with exactly a P shape. The main job of this drain is to prevent bad smells and backflows. It has another variation, bottle p-trap. But the bottle p-traps are not suitable for toilet commodes. Learn more about the siphon p-traps here.
Using the siphon p-trap under your commode will prevent sewer water backflows. Also, it always holds some freshwater inside the bend so that no foul odor will be incoming.

Your bathroom washbasin also needs a waste drain to remove the wastewater from the basin. The basin wastes are the only fit for the basin or sink. This is because the basin wastes are only specially made to drain water from the basins. Here are some popular basin wastes:
The pop-up type basin wastes are the most popular drain for the basin. You can stop the water flowing through the basin and again open the path using this waste. However, this waste needs a lever’s help to operate. You will find the lever behind your faucet after the pop-up waste installation. Pushing the lever down will push the waste stopper up to open the drain… and vice versa.
Click Clack
You can consider the click-clack waste similar to the pop-up types but without the lever. Yes, this waste does not need any lever but your finger tap to operate. Suppose the waste is open and allows water to flow. Then, a simple tap on the push button with your finger will close it with a satisfying sound, “click.” Another tap will open the drain to let the water flow again.
Flip Top
Flip-top basin waste does not have any stopper installed inside. It has a thick disc at its entrance. However, you cannot move the disc from its position, but you can flip it there like a tossing coin. The drain is closed when the disc is horizontal with the waste opening. And when you flip it a little, it will create some space to pass the water.
Free Flow
The free flow basin wastes are the simplest design of basin waste drains. A simple grated entrance with an ordinary waste body. Further, it is a one-way waste that only offers water to flow from the basin.

These are only a few examples of basin wastes. There are many more types available which we cannot cover here. If you want to check more styles, visit our basin waste store.
Moreover, these basin waste drains come in two forms: slotted and unslotted. The slot indicates the tiny holes inside the center plug hole of your basin. If your basin has slots, you must buy the slotted drains—otherwise, the unslotted ones. In addition, don’t forget to match the finish and color with the theme of your basin and bathroom.
Lastly, only having a basin waste for the basin is not enough. It also needs a trap to prevent backflows and odors like the toilet commode. So, add another siphon p-trap for the bay to your list. Here, choosing the bottle-type p-traps is preferred. Bottle p-traps are special traps only for the basin, giving it a modern and stylish look.
For a relaxing bath in your bathtub, you need to fill it with water. And after bathing, you need to remove that wastewater. Only a piece of bathtub drain kit can help you to do that.
Bathtub Drain Kit
A bathtub drain kit is used to stop and release the water in a bathtub. It also controls the overflow if the water reaches a certain level. There are two types of this drain kit available: plunger-type and pop-up-type. Learn more from our recent post, “Functions of a bathtub drain kit.”
There is one more option for you to choose a waste drain for the bathtub, the cable-driven drain. It works like a bathtub drain kit but with a flexible pipe and a cable. Both are similar and suitable for bathtubs, so choose the one you want to use.

Water spreads on the floor while having a shower with a showerhead or hand shower. And if there is no outlet for wastewater, it will cause some flooding in your bathroom. So, a floor drain is necessary for your bathroom to avoid this problem.
Floor Drain
The floor drain is a waste drain that removes wastewater from the floor. Also, the best part is it permits only water to flow and prevents hair and other dirt from entering the main drain. Therefore, it saves the main drain from getting stuck.
However, if you have a separate shower room inside your bathroom, you need to buy two-floor drains. One will work in the shower room, and the other will work for the rest of the bathroom.
You will need These waste drains to set up your new bathroom components. Now, all you have to do is bring the waste drains home.

One last tip for you: finding and buying other waste drains from different suppliers will be troublesome. So, you can purchase the drains from us. We, Hofen Sanitary, are a one-stop waste drain manufacturer and supplier. You will get all types of sanitary waste drains with guaranteed quality from us. Check our products and make your order now.